If you have any questions, you may call us at (314) 576-1400.
“Dr. Silber is world leader & pioneer of the most widely used in vitro fertilization techniques. His patients fly in long from distances all over the world for treatment at his fertility center and, he is happy to take care of the most difficult cases with warm personal attention and great technical skill.“
Do I Have A Low Sperm Count?
A low sperm count is associated with decreased fertility based on a large statistical population, but it may not be an indication of infertility for that particular male with that particular female. Even if her partner’s sperm count is extremely low, a woman may become pregnant without resorting to high-tech treatment. But the higher the sperm count, the greater the chance of pregnancy, and the lower the sperm count, the more likely it is that the man is infertile.What Causes Low Sperm Count?
Men with low sperm production have an intrinsic testicular defect. No medicine or surgical treatment can increase it. However, we have invented an IVF method called ICSI, which will completely solve the problem of low sperm countHow Is Low Sperm Count Treated?
Over the past two decades, countless ineffective tests and treatments were foisted upon infertile men. Infertility specialists would treat male infertility with a variety of hormones, such as Clomid, FSH, HCG, testosterone, tamoxifen, and so on, with completely unsupported claims of success. When scrutinized carefully, all these claims were demonstrated to be invalid. Every kind of hormone treatment that was attempted in infertile men yielded no improvement in either sperm count or pregnancy rates when it was subjected to a proper controlled study. The same can be said of varicocelectomy. Very few infertile men who are referred to urologists ever escape this procedure, despite the fact that no beneficial effect from varicocelectomy has ever been demonstrated in properly controlled studies. Indeed, more than 15 percent of all fertile men on the face of the earth have a large varicocoele, and it is of no consequence. Despite the apparent absence of sperm production, we can often find a tiny number of sperm inside the testicle which are often sufficient to get the wife pregnant. Many infertile men have been treated in this haphazard and unscientific manner to improve their sperm count or fertility, and none of these regimens have any proven value. That is why the use of IVF and ICSI is much more likely to be effective than the hopeless effort of trying to improve sperm production.Success stories with low sperm count
- Fertility expert Dr. Sherman Silber gives hope to infertile men and women
- “IVF Worked For Them” – AOL Health
- Minimal ovarian stimulation (mini-IVF) for IVF utilizing vitrification and cryopreserved embryo transfer (PDF, 406K)
- Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
- Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
- Vasectomy Reversal
- Tubal Ligation Reversal
- Egg Donation
- A Special Message From Dr. Silber About Your Biological Clock and Preserving Your Fertility
- Preserving Your Fertility
- Egg, Ovarian Tissue, Embryo, and Sperm Freezing
- Sperm Aspiration
- News Coverage of Ovary Transplantation
- Read Q&A article about mini-IVF
- Hokey ideas about raising sperm count