by Rebecca Smith, Medical, November 17, 2008 The ‘daring’ operation to transplant the ovary involved surgeons connecting blood vessels as thin as a human hair. The groundbreaking surgery is the first such procedure that has resulted in a successful pregnancy and birth. Dr. Sherman Silber, of the Infertility Centre of St Louis, in Missouri, […]
by Catherine Donaldson-Evans AOL Health, June 1, 2010 Suzanne Gastineau got pregnant with her first baby so easily, it never occurred to her that a few years later, she would be trying to conceive her second for a year-and-a-half with no results. The St. Louis-area resident and IT specialist was 38 years old when she […]
By Barbara Maynard St. Louis Business Journal, October 5, 2007 For three decades, Dr. Sherman Silber, 65, has been treating difficult cases at The Infertility Center of St. Louis on the campus of St. Luke’s Hospital in Chesterfield. Silber either developed or perfected many of the techniques he uses. His career is a succession of […]
by Julie Brown Patton West News Magazine July 28, 2010 An infertility specialist at St. Luke’s Hospital started innovative fertility preservation [watch video] three decades ago, and a local cancer survivor is ecstatic that he did. When Amy Tucker was 19, she was diagnosed with advanced cancer and was told she would never have children, […]
by Brian Alexander Livestrong Quarterly –, Summer/Fall 2011 Cancer takes away so much from too many. Fertility medicine has stepped in with newfound successes, long-awaited births, and mind-boggling solutions that together say to cancer: That’s enough. Looking back now, to the summer of ’97 she’d rather forget, Amy Tucker then 19, was launching out of […]
The Top 10 Medical Stories of 2008 by Lauren Cox and Dan Childs ABC News, December 24, 2008 This year marked a number of important medical advances and intriguing health news. To help narrow the large list, reached out to the top medical centers and doctors in a wide range of fields… No. 2: […]
ABC News, March 1, 2007 Copyright © 2007 ABC News Internet Ventures Ever since they were little, sisters Joy Lagos and Maeapple Chaney have been close. “She was always standing up for me,” Lagos says of her sister. “She was always making sure that I was taken care of.” But while they have shared much […]
Beating the Clock? Frozen Ovaries Make Headlines By Cindy Haines, M.D., Special to the Beacon St. Louis Beacon, November 14, 2008 More women are waiting to start their families, delaying pregnancy until their mid- to late-30s, 40s and beyond. While pregnancy in a woman’s later years can carry some complications, “the biggest risk of delaying […]
Baby Girl Born From Full Ovary Transplant Reuters, December 11th, 2008 By Gene Emery Edited by Maggie Fox and David Wiessler (Published in Huffington Post, Reuters, and Yahoo News) Doctors in St. Louis said they have successfully transplanted a full ovary from a volunteer, allowing her infertile twin sister to give birth to a healthy […]
Editorial by Dr. Sherman J. Silber, M.D. IVF NEWS.Direct!, April/June 2011 Dr. Sherman J. Silber, a pioneer in microsurgery and infertility, is considered a leading authority on IVF, sperm retrieval, ICSI, vasectomy reversal, tubal ligation reversal, egg and embryo freezing, testicle and ovary freezing and transplantation, and the reproductive biological clock. He performed the world’s first […]
By Stephen AdamsThe London Daily Telegraph Sunday Magazine, July 4, 2012 A technique to remove pieces of ovary, store it for decades and then replace it with delicate surgery could effectively put a woman’s menopause ‘on ice’, doctors said. The only thing preventing them from having babies into their old age would be their physical […]
High Doses of Hormones Faulted in Fertility Care By Jacqueline Mroz The New York Times, July 16, 2012 Two days after Debra Demidon underwent in vitro fertilization, she gained more than 30 pounds in fluid and suddenly was struggling to breathe. Doctors diagnosed severe ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), a complication seen in some women who […]